Why collaborate in fundraising?

At Donor Organizer Hub, we deeply believe that collaboration makes us all stronger fundraisers and organizers - from our Peer Coaching Program for Volunteer Fundraisers to our monthly Donor Organizing Staff Community of Practice.

That's why our first-ever grassroots fundraising campaign is in collaboration with Rising Organizers, a fellow organizing trainer and one of our core partners.

A bit of background on our organizations:

  • Donor Organizer Hub trains, coaches, and convenes everyday people in donor organizing skills — for free.

  • Rising Organizers trains, coaches, and convenes everyday people in community organizing skills — for free.

Benefits Gained through Collaborative Fundraising

1️⃣ You share skills, wisdom, and relationships with one another.

In this campaign, Elyssa of Rising Organizers taught Haley of Donor Organizer Hub Canva and ChatGPT subject line hacks. Haley taught Elyssa that everyone is a donor and everyone is a fundraiser.

2️⃣ You learn about other ways you can collaborate.

As organizations that train everyday people for free, we decided that it would be both impactful and fun to include a free-for-the-public training as a part of this fundraising campaign! This training wouldn't have happened without the joint fundraising campaign already bringing us together.

We are also developing more formal ways to send our participants to each other's fellowship- and cohort-based programs to further boost their leadership skills.

3️⃣ You take further steps to fight against individualism and scarcity and move toward collectivizing.

The movement space has many coalitions for frontline organizing, but many of us — volunteers and staff alike — do our fundraising as individual organizations.

By sharing our learnings, available opportunities, and fundraising campaign work, we gain the benefits of collecting historically reserved for the frontlines: strategizing how to leverage this grassroots campaign for our organizations' major donor asks, social media strategy, and training recruitment plans.

Through this collaboration, each organization secured big wins that we otherwise would not have achieved alone: we each secured the largest donations of our organizations to date, gained multiple testimonials of gratitude from our constituents and donors to build trust with new and current supporters, and recruited dozens of participants to each other's trainings and offerings.

Invitations to Take Action

Want to show that collaborative fundraising works?

Donate today to help us train 1,000+ people this year and reach our $10,000 fundraising goal!

Here's how your contribution will have an impact:

  • $500 provides 1 free public training for up to 50 people

  • $167 gives 1 week of cohort-based programming for a participant in Rising Organizers' 9-week Fellowship Program or Donor Organizer Hub's 12-week Peer Coaching Program

  • $40 provides 1 month of tech tools for public trainings (Zoom, collaborative whiteboarding, etc.)

Interested in learning more about how to set up a collaborative fundraising campaign with an organization you partner with and trust deeply?

Feel free to reach out, and Donor Organizer Hub can help you get started!


A volunteer fundraiser’s journey from anxiety to action